Saturday, September 26, 2009

T-Shirts and The Online Colony

So I posted a note on Facebook yesterday about this concept that I've had; The Underground Online Colony. The idea is that we organize a group of websites, each with its own purpose and following. Originally, I was thinking of this during the Small Press Idol competition, with hopes that there would be some content online at all times for fans to be involved in. This way, when the Dimestore site was down for polling, there would be somewhere else to go for updates and info. At the time, I was still doing much of the work for The Underground by myself, so the Online Colony was never actualized.
Now is the time of progress though, and we are moving forward. The biggest advantage of constructing the Creative Development team is that by working together we can accomplish more, and meet more of our own marketing requirements. We can achieve goals faster, and more efficiently than before, because we have fresh blood, new inspiration, and innovative ideas. That said, I'm proud to say that The Underground Online Colony is alive and well! For those of you who have yet to become involved here are the links to all cells of our colony.
Facebook Group:
Dimestore Forum:
The Bugs Blog:

MySoti?? What is this MySoti, you ask? Well, as I was saying we are able to accomplish tasks that we've thought of, dreamed of, but have been too busy to tackle. T-shirts are one of those tasks. For a long time I've entertained the idea of producing a line of t-shirts based on The Underground, but I've had a hard time finding the best way to do it. Do I hire an outside company? Do I teach myself to silkscreen, and make them myself? Enter MySoti.
This is a great site which allows me the opportunity to offer shirts to my fans, as well as prints of my artwork! If you haven't had the chance to, check it out. When you're done, take the time to check out the other cells of the Online Colony, post on a forum, ask a question, make a suggestion. I WANT to hear from you, as do the other dedicated members of our Creative Development team. Thanks again to all our readers, and on my side a big thank you for the continued efforts of my team!

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