Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Things continue to move forward here at The Underground camp, and I have to admit that at times I find myself getting a little dizzy with the commotion! There are so many things going on right now, so many projects, venues, and plans being set in place. I'm also gearing up for October's Creative Development Team Meeting, and with all these projects going on, the theme this month is 'Progress'.
As you all know, I began work on The Underground many years ago befor taking a lengthly hiatus from the series. Progress was a problem back then, just as much as it is an incentive today. What I mean by that is this; When I was younger I approached the series with stars in my eyes, and nothing but a pencil in hand. The progress we were making then was sketchy and scattered, and daunting due to a lack of understanding, and goals on my own side. No matter what you are working on in life it is important to understand your goals and set 'benchmarks' appropriately. Sometimes we get discouraged because we haven't met our goals. This happens, I feel, because we haven't set appropriate benchmarks. It is these milestones that will mark our progress, and allow for us to celebrate our small successes in pursuit of the ultimate goal!
When we held our first CD team meeting, we set out a number of priorities and delegated some specific tasks. There was a point in the month when I really questioned whether or not we were really doing anything here. I can now look at all the work that's been done this month and say 'wow!'. We're really moving towards something here, and making some very important strides. As we fit into a groove (as any team must), we are working better together, and developing a very good routine with one another.
This blog is being updated more than ever, because I'm less stressed with the big picture. The facebook group is being tended to better than I had hoped, thanks to the efforts of my wonderful wife. The Dimestore site has a forum thread dedicated to the Underground, and it is being updated and maintained thanks to the combined efforts of myself and Chris Walker. Addy McVicker has made some great progress in prospecting a number of stores and venues to approach with regards to carrying the book. And Johnny Burns has made some real breakthroughs in the website effort!
The list goes on, as we become more and more effective at maintaining the Underground 'machine'! We're talking with outside parties about the future of the series, and that future is looking brighter everyday! Thank you all for your support. Thanks to the team for all of their hard work, it is appreciated more than I feel I can really relate in words. Onward and upward, we're looking for feedback now. The public voice needs to be heard, this will be a great indicator that the Underground DOES indeed have a following, not just Paul Reaume.
As a sidenote, I wrote an editorial for the Dimestore site which is posted as their 'KickStart' today. Take some time to read it. Check out the other areas of the Online Colony, and let your voice be heard.

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