Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Round Four Judgement pt.2

With the wrinkles in the Distro site ironed out, The Underground machine is back and chugging away! So I'd like to take a couple of minutes to go over the second judges review of The Underground #0. So without further adieu ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Sam Johnson...
"The story here is a little confusing in places, but the art's strong and the story sets things up ok enough. The cover's not great, particularly as a first issue: We're not familiar with who the characters are that are at threat. A more 'introductory'-feeling cover would have worked better as a hook-in. For future issues, you should make the logo colouring very distinct from the background colours, as well.
As I've stated before the bugs-at-war concept doesn't appeal to me personally...but making the hero flawed and vulnerable in the way you have is a good way to humanize things a little.
It's not for me, but I know the book found a strong following in the previous rounds voting, and I wish you all the best with it."

Whew. Well...not everyone's going to be a fan, and I've always respected your criticism Sam. I hope I can address some of the concerns here, I'd also like to think I can benefit from some of your points here and in future. The story transition suffered a little for one main reason. As I've stated before, I'm an artist and writing sometimes hits the back burner for me. So in this round I focused deeper on the story and enlisted the help of my friend Chris Walker. While I feel this had a positive impact on the story we were left with two points of jitter where the two writing styles didn't mesh seamlessly. I should have reworked the original three pages from round three. I hope this is what you mean with the story, if it isn't I would love to have some more specific feedback for future improvement.
The cover? I've got mixed feelings on the cover to be honest. As a design, I dig the concept. I feel that it begs a few questions....what are these creatures? What happened to the one on the ground? What are they so afraid of? But the colours are wrong, and that's a fact. I had another cover in mind initially with more blue in the background. This I think would have worked well. But then I changed the cover and didn't think of the problem till the very end. Oops. I wonder what sort of ways I could change the colouring of the logo and still maintain the earthy concept? Any thoughts on that from anyone would be awesome.
Again, I can't hope to win everyone, I am glad though that the art is satisfying, and the twists with the main hero work for you. Thanks again for you input, I really do hope to hear from you soon.

1 comment:

Paul Reaume c/o Twisted Studio said...

If you wanna see what it is we're talking about check out this link...

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