Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Round Four Judgement pt.1

So I thought I would take this opportunity to discuss what the judges had to say about The Underground #0. It has been a long hard battle for me and my buggy friends, but what the judges have said so far has enabled this book to succeed in the fashion which it has already in this competition. So today we'll start with the first judge to post...Mr. Roger Foucault.
"I am really impressed by these segmented arthropods and the staging approach to the entire entry. Very visually appealling work here, and the scripting kept me reading easily and with intense yearning to read more panel to panel, and page to page.
The brief introduction of the humans on page 14, and their insignificance in the story despite their massive presence, was also a nice touch.
Good use of effects here and there as well, I can see this as a made-for-tv-cartoon series, it has that much marketable appeal.
This subterranean world has my audience and appreciation. Very well done."

And to that I say...wow! Thank you Roger. Those are some pretty big words, and appreciated praises. As far as the scripting is concerned, with the help of my good friend Chris Walker, I've started to look at each page, and each panel on a larger scale. Constantly asking myself what the bigger picture is, I find myself pushing for different ways to convey the story to the audience. This is a very thick and rich world I've created, but I am guilty of not always demonstrating its depth properly. I'm happy to see that the extra time given to storyboarding, and plot development has paid off in some extent.
Also, as I push myself for new ways to tell the story, I am constantly finding new ways to visually represent it. Much of the digital work is self-taught, so admittedly I am learning page by page. Once again, I'm happy that these little experiments have been welcomed as admirable artistic touches.
Lastly, I may be biased, but I would have to agree with you as to the marketable appeal of the book. In fact, when laying out the book, I find myself visually it as though it were a movie. This helps me carry the reader better through my myriad of thoughts, and inspirations. Who knows, maybe it is only a matter of time before kids are watching Cyrus, and the Zealots Elite on Saturday mornings, just as so many of us were glued to the Ninja Turtles. Only time will tell.
As always Roger, your criticism and insight means the world to me, and I hope it can continue through future endeavours.

If you want to find out more about what we're talking about, head over to the Dimestore, and pick up your copy of The Underground #0!

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