Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Paul's Thoughts on the 28th Standings

Well, well, well...It looks like we had a better day yesterday! Some hard work from my beloved promoters (predominantly my wife, and sister Monica!), and perhaps a few promo cards being circulated seem to have brought in a few more voters. This is definitely good to see, as it is important to show in this competition the marketing capabilities of our projects. We NEED to be able to attract new readers, our devoted readers NEED to be sooo excited about this project that they'll tell all of their friends!
What I find even MORE exciting is the fact that we are only ten votes behind the number 2 slot, and we've been closing the gap by almost 30 votes a day! If this continues we should be in second place...TOMORROW!! Let me tell you, I have a tremendous amount of faith in The Underground, but at no point did I think we nail second place! Let's see if we can do it! Even if we can't, I'm happy to see us in the top 3!
Getting to this point is a huge success, as it is an obvious goal in Round 3. In the next round, only the top three projects will pass on to Round 4! OUCH! That's a big cut. So I was really hoping that I'd make it up to the top three, as an indicator of what this project is capable of.
Moving forward, I'm working very hard to make sure our project is entered on the first or second day of submissions, this will give our dedicated voters all the time they need to make a difference!

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