Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Insect-O-Fact #4
"Pheromones": Pheromones, for me, are one of the most interesting aspects of this story and its potential. These pheromones, or Ecto-Hormones, are transported outside the body resulting in a direct developmental effect on hormone levels or behavioural change. These effects vary, just as the type of pheromones vary. There are Aggregation pheromones (like an insect booty call!), Alarm pheromones (often used by bees), Trail pheromones (ants use them when scouting for food), and many more!This puts a new meaning to 'spidey senses', and should surely add a new dynamic level of abilities to my creatures. I'm not using super powers in this series, but with innate abilities like this possessed by all insects, who needs super powers!?!

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