Friday, April 2, 2010

The Styx Introduction

Admittedly, I've allowed myself to get caught up in research for the next book, and planning for the business.  I decided to take a break and sit down with an old favourite comic series of mine, and just enjoy that which has inspired me for years.  Now in my happy place, I found drawing to be natural, and fluent.  The picture I've posted here, I feel, is a good representation of that.    Styx, in all his disgruntled glory!
This image is for the first panel of the third page in the next issue of The Underground.  Behind Styx you'll see a kind of flashback, conveying a feeling of 'who' Styx really is.  Narration will carry the reader through an similar introduction of all four Zealots Elite.  The next panel actually utilizes a few of the components that we've been researching lately.  Some of you may even recognize a few of them.
I'm really excited, not only for the artwork of this page, but even the thought behind it.  When producing the original run of this book years ago, I never took the time to really introduce the characters to the readers.  That's a really important connection, and it cannot be forgotten about.  I feel that this is a benefit of working more with a team now, as we have more minds put together to flush out the story and strengthen any weak points.
As always thank you all for your continued support of this project, and dream.  And a special thank you to my team, who have helped bring this book and indeed myself to a better place.

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