Friday, February 26, 2010


What you see here, are the various title pages for a proposal I've started working on. A proposal for what you say? Well that is a very good question! Truth is, this was originally something I started looking into with regards to contacting some of the major comic publishers. We've come to the conclusion as a group that the most viable options in the industry would have to be Image Comics, Dark Horse, or IDW Publishing. So this proposal is intended to accompany the sequential pages that we'll be sending in. After going over the layout of the proposal, and looking at these pages, I'm figuring that this is something that can be used for many little side projects.

If put together properly, we can use this structure to showcase the work that we can accomplish as a studio team. The goal is obviously to appear as professional as possible, while still maintaining the level of creative expertise that makes our team unique. This mindset is partially what has brought me to focus on the above mentioned comic publishers.

I hope to get five pages of the next issue completed (in colour), to include in the proposal. As it stands right now, I am without a cover design (I don't know if that count's for the 5 pages...), I've got the first page coloured. Second page drawn, and the first panel of the third page almost drawn. whew. It's an exciting process putting this book together as it is a different development than the previous two. I'm working more with Chris Walker for the writing and story development of the book, we're looking into a ton of printing options, and I've started drawing everything digitally (The first two page were the last to be drawn on paper). So it feels like a good positive, constructive motion that we are committed to as a studio.
So that's where I'm at right now. Where we're at. Where are you? Have you any thoughts, suggestions, comments? We'd love to here from you, drop us a line, or check out any of our supporting sites. Also, if you're not signed up for the Network Email already, now would be a great time to do it. Send me an email with your email information, and we'll put you onto the list. It's a great way to keep informed on how the studio is progressing, and find ways that YOU can help. We send it out once every three months, and the next is coming in March. This month I'll be including the first page of the next book! Members of the Network will be the first to see this awesome page, I hope you're one of them.
To reach me;
To see our supporting sites;!/group.php?gid=37802346048

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

From Left Field!

Amidst the work that is going into promoting the Underground, keeping fans informed, and working on the next issue ("Bad Seeds"), a couple sub-projects have popped up and seduced my attention.
The first isn't really a new project I guess, it's more a revision to our ongoing project; to find a home for The Underground, and Twisted Studio. Up until the last couple of days I have focused this element of my attention purely on trying to get picked up by IMAGE COMICS, or self-publishing under the Twisted Studio banner. Through a little more research I have found two more possible homes, which I really should have considered sooner. The first target is DARK HORSE COMICS. Most, if not all, comic fans reading this will be already familiar with Dark Horse and their main titles. Over the years they've produced the Star Wars comic line, as well as Alien vs. Predator. They produce 'creator owned' titles, as well as a select line of 'licensed' properties, and I think they would be a very nice fit for our project/studio. The other prospect is a newer up-and-coming comic publisher who is showing remarkable growth in the market place, IDW PUBLISHING. As stated previously I had never heard of this company, but with titles such as Star Trek, Transformers, and 30 Days of Night, they are hard to ignore. Once again they boast the most important factor in finding a home; Creator owned properties.
Years ago while working with local artist, David O'Connor (our first project together actually), we sent a coloured sample of The Underground to MARVEL COMICS. We actually received a response! It said in no uncertain terms that Marvel does not produced creator owned titles. That was the last time I sent anything to this company or any other which only prints licensed titles. Now I have nothing against that business angle, but not it is not for me or my bugs! So I targeted Image Comics, and have done so ever since. Now, as The Underground becomes more and more marketable we will begin to broaden our view of the market, and find the best way to make our splash!
The second project is completely different. A game. A role-playing game. It will be called, The Underground: Colonies, and it will focus on the development of an insect colony instead of building up one character. It is set to be a map-based game, and we will be play-testing it via email once the rules are hashed out a bit more. Eventually? Who knows. Their are many prospects out there for us, and I believe the key to making this project (or any other) marketable, is to have as many different channels to the market as possible. Games, shirts, books, posters, toys, the list can go on and on.
So stay tuned all you bug-minded individuals, 'cause there's more to see. I'll try to get a logo for the RPG posted up here as soon as possible.
For more on The Underground, check out our other supporting sites.!/group.php?gid=37802346048

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Character Mapping

With work branching off between producing the book, setting up the business side of the Studio, and physically organizing the working studio itself, its high time for prioritizing! I've started looking at the multiple projects infront of me in terms of how they fit into a necessary criteria. Does it generate income for the studio? Does it generate more followers of the Studio and The Underground? Does it directly pertain to the production of our next issue? I've oft referred to myself as the absent-minded artist, so this regime has really helped me keep my head in the right place.
In terms of producing the next book, that would be The Underground #2: Bad Seeds, which would be the THIRD installment in the new Underground series. Chris and I have begun ironing out the specifics of the book layout, and to get us really rolling I've started a sub-project I call 'Character Mapping'. I'd like to use this to detail each of the characters used, who they are, what are plans are, and where the character is destined to end up. By keeping these three points in mind (from a writing perspective) we can weave the development of each of their individual stories into the complex fabric which is the Underground's plot. So structurally this is literally a matter of asking three questions for each of the characters. Who? What? Where? I'd like to take this opportunity to give you my take on the Who(s), which will be shown in the next book. Some are obviously return characters from the last book, others have not been seen yet. Enjoy.

Cyrus: Ladybug. Main character of the story. He is the former leader of the Amicable Plains, though he is a coward.
Raymus: Ant (Eciton Rapax). He is the gentle beast. Often he is the voice of wisdom, and reason in the Zealots Elite.
Styx: Ant. He is the leader of the Zealots Elite. He is very cold, angry, and guilt-ridden...but why?
Lor: Ant (Polyergus Rufescens). She is an abandoned orphan, dropped at the gates of Coryn, as a larva. She feels out of place despite her skills and accolades.
Sarka: Ant. She is the youngest member of the Elite. Not much is known of her past or heritage. she keeps her emotions, and personal information locked away.
Queen Azulon: Ant. The Queen Mother. Bringer of the Golden Age. She is the peaceful, and benevolent leader of the Ant colony, Coryn.
Prince Loxyn: Ant. Scarred youth. Witnessing his father's murder has permanently affected him. He has spent much of his life training to ensure he never gives in to weakness again.
Admirial Cree: Fly. The cowardly leader of the Fly Federation. He has a desperate plea for Queen Azulon and the Zealots.
Kronus: Honeybee. The arrogant captain of the Hive Shock Troops. His mind has been conditioned by Hive propaganda since birth.
Brom: Spring Dor Beetle. The dim-witted brute of the Hive Shock Troops. He is often a victim of circumstance, and is constantly taken advantage of.
Jes: Wasp. A living construct. Owes his life to Dr. Payne and his experiments.
Sin: Bird Spider. Crazy spider, the wild card. He is another Dr. Payne project, though he is much more volatile than any other Hive member.

So that's it. Those are my thoughts. And they are just that...thoughts. Chris is ironing out some thoughts of his own, and together we should develop a really well-rounded series with characters each unique from one another. Stay tuned my buggy friends, because now we're getting warmed up!
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