While you won't be seeing any bugs in bikinis, you WILL be seeing The Underground in the Self Publisher Association's 2010 Calendar. Oddly enough, we've been asked to submit a piece for the month of May. This is my wife and my mother's birth month, so they're both VERY excited! I am as well, ofcourse. I wanted to do a special piece for the calendar (as opposed to submitting something that I've already completed). So I've put alot of thought and care in to completing this piece.
I chose to do a dynamic mid action shot between Styx and Kronus. I also wanted to keep the month in mind, and it being May what better place to stage a fight than inside a flower. What colour flower? I'm thinking purple, as it will really pop the two combatants forward (Kronus is a nice yellow colour, and Styx a light brown). Purple is also my mom's favourite colour.
The piece is just about complete as I write this, but rather than showing it off right now, we'd thought we could drag out the anticipation. I'd also like to take this opportunity to show, and explain how I complete an artpiece such as this, stage by stage. I hope you enjoy. Featured right now is the concept sketch for the fight scene. For more thoughts and info on this and The Underground in general, the Facebook group has some great discussion topics, and resources there.http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=37802346048
We've also started designing some t-shirts, and The Underground Forum at The Dimestore site alot more ideas and discussion going on with these in mind. Dimestore is home to alot of very talented and creative people so it's very interesting to get input from so many different sources.
Again, I hope you enjoy these new developments with The Underground, because there's alot more coming! As always thanks for your continued support.
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