Monday, December 6, 2010

Let's Get Viral

The last month or two has been very busy for The Underground crew. We've taken a few steps back and tried to pay closer attention to what we are actually doing. Both physically with the book, but also digitally I guess, with promotion. We've evaluated Twisted Studio, what it does...what it's meant to do. And we've looked into all other aspects of our current structure, and begun to ask some very tough questions. We've forced ourselves to give some tough, but honest and unbiased answers. This has been an exciting process because I can see that we've begun to handle ourselves more responsibly and realistically. Looking at veiwer traffic, listening for feedback, evaluating time spent. Twisted Studio has begun to take shape finally after more than a decade of fanboy dreaming, the studio is forming. As exciting as this is it has left a surprising question on our plate. What is to come of The Underground?
The Underground is my brainchild. There has been no project which I have been as passionate about, and Twisted Studio excluded, I doubt there will be another. The downside is the workload. It takes so much time, and indeed time-management to complete all of the artwork myself. Not to mention trying to work on promoting, finding printers, trying to build the studio, and so many other related projects. I've been wearing so many hats, I"m bordering on schizophrenia! Even so, I'm not ready to throw in the towel. Merely, re-evaluate our plan of execution.
Our goal is exposure for The Underground. And work load aside, when the costs of printing is considered for such a small run project, something just doesn't add up anymore. Right now at our current juncture we've decided that the best way to get the most exposure for The Underground, is to release it as a web comic! What does this mean for you? Well let me tell ya!
More new content! Free uploaded comic pages every two weeks! Supporting material released weekly! And an easy way to pass on The Underground to your friends and family. We will still work towards releasing the next and subsequent books in print, but for now, we're going to give our readers something to follow much much more often. And if that's the case...
...I call it a win.
Stay tuned. We're working hard to have our first page posted on a newly revamped website in two weeks! That's Monday, December 20th for anyone who's counting!
Thank you all for your continued support, of this beloved project.
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